Monday, September 30, 2024

Transport sector facing crisis amid rising costs and unresolved issues

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The Telangana transport sector is grappling with a severe crisis, according to Syed Sadiq, State vice-president of the Telangana Lorry Owners Association and manager of Star Transport Company in Shadnagar constituency, Rangareddy district. He voiced concern over the mounting challenges the sector has faced over the last two months due to persistent rains in the Telugu states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, coupled with unresolved issues affecting lorry operators.
An emergency meeting, organised by the Lorry Owners Association at Kothapally, Peddapally, sought to address these challenges. Several association leaders, including president Anji Reddy, general secretary Durga Prasad, and vice-presidents Nawaz Ghori, Mohammad Fayaz and Mohammad Shabir, were in attendance.
Speaking to the media, Syed Sadiq outlined a range of problems plaguing the transport industry, exacerbated by the recent heavy rains. He highlighted the financial burden on lorry owners, citing increased operational difficulties and unresolved policy issues. An unanimous resolution was passed during the meeting, calling for the immediate waiving of various taxes imposed on lorries.
Sadiq pointed to the rising diesel prices, despite promises of reduction, as a major factor crippling the sector. He urged the government to take swift action to lower fuel prices and provide relief to lorry operators. The association also pressed for the immediate implementation of the long-pending single permit system to streamline operations.
Another key concern raised was the substantial amounts collected in fitness and green taxes over the last 15 years. The association resolved to push for a reduction in these taxes, which they believe are placing undue pressure on transporters. Sadiq emphasised that the government should extend the same support to the transport sector as it does to farmers affected by natural calamities. He argued that the government should take responsibility for repairing lorries damaged during the recent floods.
Furthermore, the association demanded that local lorries be given priority in the transportation of grain procured from farmers by the government. They also called for the State government to reconsider the recent central government directive on the cancellation of old vehicles, currently under review by the Supreme Court.

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