Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) Commissioner Swapnil Dinakar Pundkar has launched ‘Operation Desilting’ to address the challenges faced by citizens and drivers in Vijayawada and its outskirts. As part of this initiative, Commissioner Swapnil personally inspected the ongoing desilting work throughout the city on Saturday.
Waterlogged roads caused by rain have led to severe traffic jams and significant problems for residents. To mitigate these issues, Commissioner Swapnil has spearheaded the ‘Operation De-Silting’ programme across the city.
Commissioner Swapnil reviewed the de-silting activities along major outfall drains, covering approximately 10 kilometers from Ajith Singh Nagar-Kandrika to the Inner Ring Road (IRR), passing through Disneyland and near the railway track.
He noted that the construction of the railway’s third line was obstructing water flow into the outfall drains through the 33 Mustabad channels. He directed officials to coordinate with railway authorities to ensure unobstructed water flow.
During the inspection, Commissioner Swapnil was accompanied by Executive Engineer Srinivas, other engineering staff, and various officials.