The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) is working on plans to take over comprehensive management and supervision of the Indira Gandhi Municipal Corporation (IGMC) Stadium, a facility currently managed by the NTR District Sports Authority (DSA).
While the IGMC stadium is owned by the VMC, the DSA oversees its sports activities. The VMC’s intent includes the appointment of qualified coaches to improve players’ training and development, and to enhance the range and quality of sports programmes offered at the facility.
VMC Commissioner HM Dhyanachandra, leveraging his background as the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP), is particularly focused on the financial potential of the stadium. Notably, he is seeking to improve revenue generation from the Tennis Complex within the stadium.
Previous arrangements saw the fees collected from players credited to the SAAP, which led to a loss of potential revenue for the VMC. Now, Dhyanachandra aims to change this by ensuring that the fees from players, as well as walkers using the stadium facilities, contribute directly to the VMC’s income.
To facilitate this transition, the VMC is engaging in discussions with the NTR district administration and DSA officials. Dhyanachandra has requested that the stadium ground be handed over to VMC control. Additionally, the VMC is exploring the possibility of vacating the DSA office, which has managed district sports activities from a building on the stadium premises for years, as well as the offices of various district sports associations situated under the stadium’s gallery.
However, the proposal to vacate these long-established sports bodies’ offices could face opposition from district associations, as these organisations have been integral to the management of various sports activities, such as kabaddi, boxing, tennis, volleyball, basketball, handball, and cricket. Despite this potential resistance, the VMC is motivated by the desire to streamline operations and boost revenue through direct control of the facility.
The VMC also plans to reintroduce user charges at the IGMC Stadium. Although a previous attempt to collect fees from walkers faced opposition and was withdrawn, the significant income observed from the Tennis Complex has encouraged the VMC to reconsider this strategy. By implementing these changes, the VMC aims to maximise the financial and operational efficiency of the IGMC Stadium while expanding its role in promoting sports in the city.