The Cyberabad Police are launching ‘Operation Muskaan-X’ from July 1 to 31 in the commissionerate limits. In all, 11 special teams have been formed for this purpose, each consisting of a sub-inspector, three male constables and a woman constable. These teams will identify and rescue/rehabilitate children trapped in trafficking. A meeting was held for Operation Muskaan-X on Monday at the Cyberabad CP’s office in the Main Conference Hall.
uring the meeting, Cyberabad Women and Children Safety Wing (W&CSW) DCP K Srujana said that they would be using the facial recognition software application ‘DARPAN’ to identify missing and un-identified children who have been separated from their families due to various reasons.
DCP requested that all stakeholder departments cooperate and coordinate with the Operation Muskaan-X teams. All the stakeholder department officials assured their full cooperation for this operation.
Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) Inspector of Police B James Babu said, “Operation Muskaan-X will continue until the end of July, with the support of the stakeholder departments.”
The Police identified hotspots where children are found forced into labour based on the data from previous cases. “Our teams, along with other stakeholder departments, will coordinate the rescue and rehabilitation work,” mentioned James Babu. W&CSW ACP V Prasanna Kumar, Child Welfare Committee of Medchal and Sangareddy district AM Raja Reddy, Child Welfare Committee of Ranga Reddy district leader K Narender Reddy and other officials participated in the meeting.