Collector V Prasanna Venkatesh has directed officials to take measures to prevent the spread of diarrhoea in the district. Announcing a two-month-long awareness campaign, the Collector stated that the campaign would run from July 1 to August 31.
Chief Secretary Neerabh Kumar Prasad held a video conference with District Collectors on Friday from the State Secretariat to discuss efforts to curb the spread of diarrhoea (Stop Diarrhea Campaign). District Collector Prasanna Venkatesh and officials from various departments participated in the video conference.
Following the video conference, Collector Venkatesh announced the formation of a district-level task force committee to implement the ‘Stop Diarrhea’ campaign from July 1 to August 31.
“The focus is on early preventive measures to ensure that diarrhoea cases do not spread within the district,” said the Collector. He emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach involving the Department of Health, Rural Water Supply (RWS), Panchayati Raj, and other relevant departments.
“A robust communication strategy and monitoring mechanism should be established to prevent the spread of diarrhoea. Efforts should be concentrated on areas with previously reported cases. Water sample testing must be intensified, and extensive awareness programs should be organized to keep the public informed,” the Collector instructed officials.
The Collector also urged officials to advise the public to drink boiled water and ensure that drinking water tanks in schools and hostels are cleaned.
Chief Secretary Neerabh Kumar Prasad highlighted the necessity of a strong field-level operation to control diarrhoea spread, especially with the onset of the rainy season, which increases the risk of water pollution.
The meeting was attended by key officials, including DMHO Dr. S Sharmistha, DCHS Pal Satish Kumar, RWS SE Satyanarayana, and Municipal Commissioner Venkata Krishna.