Towards the boarding and lodging expenses, as many as 71,248 students have received Rs.67.83 crore under the Jagananna Vasathi Deevena in Krishna and NTR districts. Of them, Rs.36.18 crore was credited into 37,806 students’ mothers’ bank accounts in NTR district, while Rs.31.65 crore was credited into 33,442 accounts in Krishna district.
Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy deposited Rs.912.71 crore directly into the bank accounts of the mothers of 9,55,682 students under the Jagananna Vasathi Deevena by clicking a button at Narpala in Anantapur district on Wednesday. Krishna and NTR District Collectors K Raja Babu and Dr S Dilli Rao attended the inaugural session virtually and presented specimen cheques to students at the collectorates in Machilipatnam and Vijayawada, respectively, on Wednesday.
At a programme held at the collectorate video conference hall in Vijayawada, Collector Dr Dilli Rao, Planning Commission Vice Chairman and Vijayawada Central MLA Malladi Vishnu, Vijayawada Mayor Rayana Bhagyalakshmi and others presented a specimen cheque of Rs.36.18 crore.
Speaking on the occasion, the Collector said that Rs.36.18 crore was deposited into 34,206 mothers’ bank accounts directly. Poverty should not be an obstacle to studies. The State government is committed to providing better accommodation and good quality education for all, he said.
He further said under the scheme, the State government is providing Rs.20,000 per annum as financial assistance. Every student should utilise the scheme and achieve their target in future, the suggested.
VMC Deputy Mayors Bellam Durga and Avuthu Sri Sailaja, Kapu Corporation Chairman Adapa Sheshagiri, Bhatraju Corporation Chairman K Geetanjali, Viswa Brahmin Corporation Chairman T Srikanth, Jain Welfare Corporation Chairman Manoj Kothari and others were present.
Meanwhile, at a programme held at Machilipatnam in Krishna district, the Collector presented a specimen cheque of Rs.31.65 crore to students. He said that the same amount was deposited into 29,545 mother’s bank accounts. Students can use these amounts to pay for boarding and lodging fees, he said.
DRO M Venkateswarlu, Social Welfare DD Saraswathi, BC Welfare Officer A Srinivasa Rao, Tribal Welfare Officer Phani Durjeti and others were present.