Monday, July 8, 2024

‘Bacne’ begone with homeopathic remedies

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Bacne, or acne that occurs on the upper back and shoulders, is a shared global skin condition that affects people regardless of age or gender. It starts forming when oil and dead skin cells clog hair follicles in the back area. The sebaceous glands, located beneath the skin, produce an oily substance called sebum. When overproduced, this sebum can mix with dead skin cells and clog pores on the back, forming pimples. While often associated with adolescence, bacne can persist well into adulthood, causing both physical discomfort and emotional distress.
A 2019 national survey states that approximately 12% of respondents aged 20 to 29 reported experiencing acne, including bacne. The survey revealed that factors such as excess oil production, clogged pores by sticky skin cells, bacteria and inflammation, directly contributed to bacne issues. As a chronic inflammatory condition, bacne requires a multifaceted approach to effectively manage its symptoms and prevent long-term scarring.
Causes for ‘bacne’
One of the common causes of bacne is dandruff when it falls on the shoulder and back. It’s better to treat dandruff first to address acne at the back. Stress is a significant factor that can aggravate dandruff, worsening the problem. Managing stress can help reduce dandruff and, consequently, improve bacne.
Role of homeopathy in ‘bacne’ treatment
Homeopathy, a complementary medical system, offers a holistic approach to treating bacne by addressing the underlying causes rather than just the symptoms. It uses highly diluted substances derived from plants, minerals and animal sources to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms.
One of homeopathy’s key strengths is its individualised approach to treatment, which supports the body’s natural healing processes to maintain healthy skin. Homeopathic practitioners carefully consider factors such as the location of bacne lesions, potential triggers and the stage of bacne development to prescribe tailored remedies.

Lifestyle matters for clear back
Managing bacne effectively involves adopting a proper skincare routine and making certain lifestyle changes.

Diet and hydration for nourishment from within: To manage bacne, we should consume a balanced diet comprising essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This being said, it is ideal to incorporate plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins to boost overall skin health. Additionally, one can flush out toxins and achieve clear skin by drinking an adequate amount of water.

Stress management for a calming mind and body: Stress is a leading factor for bacne breakouts, as it can disrupt hormone levels and compromise the skin’s natural healing process. Incorporating stress-management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, etc., can help reduce inflammation and promote a sense of calm, ultimately benefitting the skin.

Quality skincare rituals: Establishing a consistent and gentle skincare routine is essential for managing bacne. You should opt for a gentle cleanser made with ingredients (like neem tulsi, orange peel extracts, saffron, vitamin E, etc.) twice a day. This way, you can remove excess oil and dirt without compromising the skin’s natural moisturising effects. Additionally, incorporating a gentle exfoliating product enriched with time-tested ingredients, such as echinacea, safflower, walnut and kaolin, once or twice a week can help unclog pores and promote cell turnover on the back.

Sun-safe practices for optimal protection: Extended exposure to sun is harmful for those living with bacne. Therefore, it is advisable to use a non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) and water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and PA+++ on the back. Opting for such a cruelty-free formula helps create a protective layer against the harsh UVA and UVB rays and protects the skin from environmental damage.

Managing bacne requires a comprehensive approach that includes proper skincare, lifestyle adjustments, and exploring alternative treatments like Homeopathy. Every person has a different skin type, so what works for you may not be applicable to another.  It is crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath who can provide a personalised treatment plan that addresses specific needs and causes of bacne.

(The author, Dr. Mukesh Batra, is the founder of Dr Batra’s group of companies.)

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