NTR Film Awards Program is set to honour renowned film actors and actresses across all genres of cinema, named in honour of Tarakara Rao, the legendary Nata SarvaBhowma, Dr. Nandamuri. The awards ceremony will take place at Hotel Dasapalla in Hyderabad, amidst a gathering of distinguished celebrities. Organised by “Kalavedika” (R.V. Ramana Murthy) and Raghavi Media, this event promises grandeur and distinction.
They announced that Telangana State Panchayat Raj and Minister of Women and Child Welfare, Danasari Anasuya (Sitakka), as the special guest for the occasion. Her presence adds significant grace and prestige to the event.
They invited all film celebrities and fans of NTR to join them on June 29 to celebrate and contribute to the success of this auspicious event.