YSRCP president and Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy has appointed MP Adala Prabhakar Reddy as coordinator to the Nellore rural constituency. The Chief Minister has taken the decision in the wake of the phone tapping allegations by Nellore rural YSRCP MLA Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy.
Informing this at a press conference at the Tadepalli party office on Thursday, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said that Adala Prabhakar Reddy would contest from the Nellore rural constituency in the next election.
Speaking on the occasion, Adala Prabhakar Reddy said that he would strive hard for the victory of YSRCP in the next election. Former minister Balineni Srinivasa Reddy alleged that Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy met TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu and got assurance of TDP ticket to contest to the Assembly on the TDP ticket.