Bollywood star Akshay Kumar reminisced about his mother, Aruna Bhatia, who passed away a year and a half ago and said that it is always important to take care of parents and seek their blessings always.
Akshay, who appeared on The Kapil Sharma Show’ as a celebrity guest, spoke to the host’s mother and invited her to shares some interesting stories from the childhood of her son.
During the conversation, he told to Kapil’s mother: “I was sitting here and watching you for a long time and I remembered my mother, so I thought of calling you on stage.
I always tell people, everything you can be found at the feet of your parents. So, I tell them touch their feet and lead your life, one should always take and have their blessings with you.”
Furthermore, Kapil’s mother talked about his childhood days and shared how their neighbours would always come over to complain about her son. But, being a typical mother, she always took her son’s side. Akshay asked if Kapil takes good care of her, and she said, “yes”.
Among the other celebs who graced the show were Nora Fatehi, Disha Patani, Mouni Roy, and Sonam Bajwa.The Kapil Sharma Show airs on Sony Entertainment Television.