Bhari Taraganam is a film produced by BV Reddy under the banner of BVR Pictures, starring Sadan, Deepika Reddy and Rekha Nirosha under the direction of Shekhar Mutyala. The teaser and songs released from this film have received good response from the audience. The trailer of the film was released grandly on the occasion of completion of all the programs and ready for release. The prominent directors of this program are SV Krishna Reddy, producer Atchireddy and comedian Ali participated as chief guests and released the film’s trailer.
Director S.V.Krishnareddy said, “Director Sekhar and producer BV.Reddy have selected a story with good content and screened it very well. Ali has acted very well in this too.. I am very happy to see my favorite Baba Gari’s son as the hero in this. Looking at this boy in the trailer of the movie, he acted very well like our next door boy. The hero looks like Dhanush on screen. All the actors have acted very well. I sincerely wish that this movie coming your way soon becomes a hit.
“I sincerely wish the director and producers who have selected good content to make this movie a big hit. Also, I am very happy that my elder brother Sadan is playing the hero in this film. I want him to act in good films like this and become a big hero. I got a good role in this. I am very happy to be a part of such a good film,” said comedian Ali.