Industries Minister Gudivada Amarnath has condemned the propaganda against the State government by the TDP-friendly media intentionally days before the Global Investors Summit 2023. He alleged that a section of TDP-friendly media is against investors and industries being set up in the State. In a press release on Saturday, Amarnath said that the government had not stopped incentives to the industries, it was only because of the upcoming MLC Election Code of conduct. Chief Minister Jagan has already said that these incentives should be released immediately after the end of the election code. Instructions to this effect were already issued to the officials, he said.
The minister alleged that during the Chandrababu Naidu regime, Rs 3,600 crore debts were kept pending left and Rs 3000 cr. The Minister said that industrialists are already coming forward to invest lakhs of crores of rupees and create jobs for lakhs of youth during the Global Investors Summit in Visakhapatnam on March 3 and 4.
“We have invited many industrialists from across the country to this conference and explain the resources and opportunities for setting up industries in the State,”
In preparation for the GIS, representatives from nearly 50 countries came to the conference organised by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in Delhi on January 31. Apart from them, various industrialists and industrial leaders of the country were also present.