Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ambati dares Chandrababu Naidu for debate on development, welfare

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Irrigation Minister Ambati Rambabu has thrown down the gauntlet to Opposition Leader Chandrababu Naidu, challenging him to an open debate on development and welfare issues at the TDP office. Accusing Naidu of dismantling the manifesto, Minister Rambabu asserted that the TDP chief has no authority to confront CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, who reveres the manifesto as sacrosanct.
Speaking to the press on Tuesday, Minister Ambati lambasted Chandrababu Naidu for addressing empty chairs during his “Raa Kadalira” programme, likening it to lecturing to vacant seats. He derided Naidu for regurgitating lines from MLA Balakrishna’s films and fleeing from the legislative assembly while audaciously challenging CM Jagan, who is focused on the upcoming elections.
Minister Ambati mocked TDP leader Lokesh’s prowess in folding chairs, humorously noting his Guinness World Record in the art.
He sarcastically recounted Lokesh’s political journey, highlighting his role in folding chairs symbolizing TD’s setbacks and predicting his future role in folding the party itself post-2024 elections.
The minister highlighted the lackluster response to Chandrababu’s “Raa Kadalira” and Lokesh’s “Sankharavam” campaigns, suggesting that even Pawan Kalyan’s support is dwindling in the face of CM Jagan’s overwhelming popularity garnered through massive Siddham meetings. He ridiculed Pawan’s political stance, implying it hinges on financial incentives akin to restarting the Varahi vehicle only upon receiving a package.
Minister Ambati emphasized that the Siddham Sabhas have dispelled any illusions harboured by TDP leaders regarding their electoral prospects, citing CM Jagan’s unprecedented public meetings as evidence of overwhelming support. He confidently predicted a landslide victory for CM Jagan and the party, claiming victory in all 175 constituencies.
Regarding Alla Ramakrishna Reddy’s return to the party fold, Minister Ambati hailed him as a dedicated and sincere politician whose rejoining would bolster the party’s prospects, particularly in Mangalagiri and the district. He expressed admiration for Ramakrishna Reddy’s unwavering commitment to the party since its inception, welcoming his return wholeheartedly.

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