Monday, July 8, 2024

Ambedkar Statue pride of nation: KCR

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Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao said that the life of the Architect of the Constitution, Dr BR Ambedkar, proves that obstacles can be overcome with self-confidence.
The Chief Minister praised Dr Ambedkar as a brave, noble man who did not take the backseat despite facing caste discrimination right from childhood.
The CM said that Ambedkar is a universal man who reached the heights of success with his broad thinking without getting   stuck in self-deprecation and that he is a global intellectual who gave knowledge to the world after rising from the darkness of ignorance.
KCR remembered Dr BR Ambedkar on his 132nd birth anniversary as the architect of the Indian Constitution, his role in changing the country and the yeoman services he rendered to the nation.
The Chief Minister said that Ambedkar’s writings, speeches and criticisms on topics like democracy, abolition of caste, untouchability, religious conversions, women’s rights, religion, economic reforms, history and economy have made the world respect him.
KCR said that Ambedkar dedicated his entire life to creating a modern India without inequalities.
The CM said that Ambedkar outlined the world’s largest written constitution and the fruits enjoyed today by the oppressed classes were framed by his intelligence.
KCR said that the installation of a 125-foot statue of Ambedkar in the heart of Hyderabad on his birth anniversary is a matter of pride not only for Telangana but also for the entire country.
The Chief Minister said that Telangana is paying a big tribute to ‘Telangana Bandhu’ Ambedkar who incorporated Article 3 in the Constitution which facilitated the formation of the Telangana state.
Unlike anywhere else in the country, the CM said that the new Telangana Secretariat is named after Dr BR Ambedkar.
KCR said that along with other schemes the state government is implementing special schemes to help SC communities who are facing social discrimination.
The CM said that the government is implementing schemes like providing quality education for Dalits through Gurukul schools, a special development fund for Scheduled Castes and Tribes, financial assistance of Rs 20 lakh through Ambedkar Overseas Scholarship, skill training for SCs, concessions for SC entrepreneurs, distribution of three acres to Dalits, free power up to 101 units to SCs etc.
He said the Telangana government introduced the ‘Dalit Bandhu’ scheme to bring about a qualitative change in the lives of Dalits. The Dalit Bandhu scheme is revolutionary in the history of the country as its beneficiaries do not need to repay the Rs 10 lakh given under the scheme.
The government has also created a ‘Rakshana Nidhi’ to help them in case of financial difficulties in future.
The CM said that SCs who were unorganized are growing now as an organized community. He said that it gives him immense happiness to know the success stories of Dalit Bandhu beneficiaries. The Chief Minister said that their achievements proved that they are not inferior to anyone.
He said that the TS government is implementing Ambedkar’s ideas by providing support to all sections, women and the poor.
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