Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan got injured while shooting for an action sequence in Hyderabad for his upcoming film Project K. As per reports, the actor suffered a muscle tear in his right rib cage. He eventually underwent a CT scan and returned to Mumbai a few hours post the incident.
The actor has cancelled all shoots to take time to recover from the injury. Reportedly, it will take him weeks before he can go back on sets. Sharing an update with his fans via his blog, the actor wrote, “It’s painful while breathing and making movement. So, work has been postponed for the moment.”
He added that he will not be able to greet fans outside Jalsa this evening, “I won’t be able to meet my well-wishers at Jalsa Gate this evening. So, do not come and inform as many people as you can,” he said before concluding with, “Rest all is well”.
This is not the first health scare on Project K’s sets. Earlier, the film’s lead actress Deepika Padukone was also rushed to the hospital after she complained of uneasiness. Before this also Deepika was taken to the hospital for a checkup after she complained of an increased heart rate on the sets.
Apart from Deepika and Amitabh, the film also stars Prabhas and Disha Patani. Project K has been simultaneously shot in Telugu and Hindi. It is set in a futuristic world and deals with the aftermath of war. The film is directed by Nag Ashwin and backed by Vyjayanthi Films.