Telangana wants it accounted for in FY 24
Telangana has been repeatedly telling KRMB that Andhra Pradesh has been using more water than what it is entitled to and has been making use of Telangana’s share of water from common reservoirs.
In a letter to KRMB, ENC C. Muralidhar said, “In 2022-23, AP utilised 205.20 TMC more water than what they are entitled to as per the 50:50 sharing ratio. Even going by the 34:66 (TS:AP) sharing ratio, AP has utilised 51.745 TMC more water than its entitled share. Telangana saved water out of its entitlement by efficient use and stored it in common reservoirs for use in lean months. As Telangana does not have exclusive offline storages it kept the remaining 18.701 TMC of its share in the common reservoir of NSP to meet drinking water and irrigation requirements in the early months of 2023-24.”
So the excess utilization by AP as of 31.05.2023 should be accounted against AP’s use this year and needs to be reconciled in the next three-member committee meeting.
“Further, it must be noted that during the KRMB meeting, the Chairman had said that carry-over could interfere with storage for the next water year and requires consensus by both states. In this regard we state that there is no interference of storage as the NSP level is just +515.6 feet as on 10.08.2023 with over 170 TMC of flood cushion available,” he said.
“It is to be noted that stored water would interfere with the fresh inflows received this year only when spillover starts.
Till +590 feet level, that is, the FRL is reached, Telangana has the right to utilize its stored water of 18 TMC. If less than 18 TMC is spilt over, Telangana is entitled to use its remaining quantity. Hence, there would not be any interference of carryover of Telangana’s share with fresh flows in the common reservoir,” ENC C. Muralidhar said.
He said AP raised an indent of five TMC to NSRC towards drinking water requirement in July 2023.
“In this regard, it is to be noted that as of that date, there were no inflows into NSP this water year. The water considered is the quantity saved by Telangana. He added that AP placed an indent for five TMC to the NSRC for July 2023. Telangana has requested the KRMB to refer the matter of sharing water to the DoWR, MoS, as per the decision arrived at the board meeting. It is requested that the reference made to DOWR may please be communicated to this office,” he said.
He said that KRMB has been requested to consider the above points raised by Telangana while formulating water accounts for the year 2023-2024.