Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has redefined the concept of education and changed the learning and teaching methods which have been widely acclaimed all over the country. Education with modernity in preparing the children as world-class students by reframing the curriculum to suit modern needs as the distribution of tabs, IFPs, English medium, IB and other advanced teaching modules come into play.
A State government press release said that apart from constantly motivating the students to pursue their academic interests, the Chief Minister never missed an opportunity to take stock of the progress of reforming the system with the digitalization of classrooms, renovation of schools under Nadu-Nedu, the introduction of AI (Artificial intelligence) and IB (International Baccalaureate) curricula in Government educational institutions.
The Chief Minister has been giving a multi-front push to education to enhance GER and reduce the dropout rate in schools and colleges while helping students improve their English communication skills and turn themselves into global products equipped with knowledge of emerging technologies. The results are tangible in the GRE reaching 100.8 per cent in 2023 from 84.48 in 2018, the press release said..
The press release further said that transparent implementation of slew of pro-educational welfare programmes like Jagananna Vidya Deevena, Vasathi Deevena, Amma Vodi, Videshi Vidya Deevena, Goru Mudda, Vidya Kanuka, YSR Sampoorna Poshana, Nadu-Nedu, YSR Kalyanamasthu and Shadi Tohfa has begun yielding desired results and made Nandyala the first district to have hundred per cent enrolment.
Across the State, 1, 49,515 students have rejoined schools in 2023 due to the vibrant schemes being implemented by the Government, a standing testimony to the Chief Minister’s vision. While the introduction of bilingual textbooks has drawn appreciation from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, making Ragi Malt part of the Jagananna Goru Mudda has become an instant hit with the students.
With the Government spending Rs 3,746.82 crore for the second phase of Nadu-Nedu, the coming days will present a grand spectacle of the Government schools competing with corporate schools in looks and standards as well.
While the MoU signed with the US-based online teaching platform edX helps students learn 1800 emerging technology courses not available in our school syllabus and get certificates from world-famous institutions like MIT and Harvard University, the Government’s determination to introduce AI and IB curricula for school and college students would take their academic careers to the global level and make them on par with students in advanced countries.
With the introduction of the CBSE syllabus and English medium in schools coupled with the distribution of bilingual textbooks to students, the year 2023 also saw 67 Government school students get seats in IITs, NIT and other Central universities besides 10 Government school students of Andhra Pradesh representing the country in the UNO-affiliated committee discussions in the USA, the press release added..
Government school students, presently getting trained in the basics and advanced versions of TOEFL, will also have the bonanza of learning AI-related subjects and following IB curriculum from next year. This would help them move on the path of becoming global products with knowledge of emerging technologies.
More than 87 per cent of the students of Classes III to IX have taken unit tests in English medium and the average percentage of students taking to English medium in 2023 stood much more than double of the national average.
With more than Rs. 66,722 crore being spent on educational reforms, Andhra Pradesh is ahead of several other states in the educational sector and on the verge of setting unprecedented standards in learning and teaching methods and transforming students into futuristic citizens.