Thursday, March 13, 2025

Avoiding yeast infections after periods

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A balanced combination of yeast and bacteria can be found in a healthy vagina. The yeasts and bacteria that naturally inhabit the vagina might become out of balance due to the same hormonal changes that cause menstruation.

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as Candidiasis Vaginal thrush. Most vaginal yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans. However, there are other steady strains like Candida glabrata, Candida para psilosis, Candida tropicalis. Vagina contains lactobacillus as well as candida fungi. The bacteria keeps the growth of fungi on check.

These work together to keep the vagina healthy. If something harms the bacteria and kills it off, Candida Fungi can grow out of control. Hormonal imbalances can cause yeast infections especially in pregnancy, on OC pills, around the periods because of disruption of the body’s natural balance of Estrogen and Progesterone.High levels of Estrogen cause Candida Fungi to over grow. Some women get yeast infection around the same time of their cyclic Vulvovaginitis.

.substantial white discharge
.Vaginal and vulvar swelling
and erythema
.Urination causes burning
.The vulva has a few little fissures.
.Light bleeding is another indication of a yeast infection. It might be challenging to distinguish between bleeding at the end of your period and bleeding brought on by a yeast infection.
.Consult your healthcare professional for a diagnosis and treatment if you are experiencing light bleeding along with other signs of a yeast infection.

Tips to reduce Yeast Infection:
.Avoid antibiotic usage unless mandatory. Can use probiotics along with antibiotics.
.Probiotic foods like food yogurt to promote good bacteria
.Wear cotton underwear and loose fitting bottoms.
.Avoid local irritants such as perfumed soap, bubble bath, fabric softener and wipes
.Avoid vaginal douching
.Less sugar intake in diet. Yeast grows on sugar
.Avoid pads and panty liners as this prevents aeration

Risk Factors:

Following their period, some people are more prone to get yeast infections, including those who have:

.The purpose of antibiotics is to kill the germs that are causing a disease. They frequently also eliminate beneficial microbes in the process. A yeast infection and an overgrowth of Candida may result from this.

.A compromised immune system makes it more difficult to fight off infections. People with weakened immune systems frequently have to take drugs that raise the risk of yeast infections by causing a bacterial imbalance.

.People with diabetes may experience blood sugar rises if they don’t manage their illness. Because it thrives on sugar, yeast can flourish when blood glucose levels are high. This could make it more likely that yeast will grow out of control.

.High levels of stress can have a negative impact on immune system function as well as general health. Stress weakens the immune system, which raises the likelihood of Candida overgrowth.

.Those who have them are more prone to get one just after their period. A weaker immune system or bad hygiene habits could be to blame for this.


Depending on the type of yeast that is infecting you, different treatments are available. 85% to 90% of all yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans, the most prevalent kind of yeast. Antifungal drugs are the primary line of treatment for persons who have a first-time or non-recurring infection.

They can be given in several ways, including:

.Intravaginal imidazoles: This class of antifungal drug is administered as a vaginal suppository, allowing the drug to enter the vagina directly.

.Fluconazole is an antifungal drug that is taken orally.
A few over-the-counter drugs can also be used to treat a yeast infection.

(The writer is Dr. Madhavi Reddy, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad)

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