Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Sunday visited the house of farmer Prabhakar, who recently committed suicide, in Prodduturu under Chintakani mandal in Khammam district and consoled the family memebr.
He assured the farmer’s father Veerabhadraiah that the government would support the education of the children. Also, he assured the family members that he would resolve the land dispute as early as possible.
The police beefed up the security on account of the visit of the Deputy Chief Minmister to the village.
Collector Muzammeel Khan, RDO of Khammam Ganesh, district Congress president P Durga Prasad, Wyra ACP Rehman and others accompanied the Deputy Chief Minister. It may be recalled that farmer Prabhakar, alleging official inaction to punish encroachers of his land, allegedly committed suicide by consuming pesticide and recorded the suicide note through a selfie of his mobile phone. The video went viral on the Internet.
The Opposition leaders got ammunition in the form of the video to attack the state government and its farmers’ welfare schemes.
His dying declaration went like this, “In the Congress government, which claimed to be pro-farmer, injustice was done to me. The CM and Deputy CM should render justice to my family.” A farmer poured out his agony and committed suicide.
A group of the BRS delegates urged city Police Commissioner to take action against those responsible for the farmer’s suicide.