The simmering discontent in the BJP has come to the fore as a group of BJP leaders, who are opposing Somu Veerraju, met Union Minister and State BJP affairs in-charge Muralidharan and complained against Veerraju.
The Somu Veerraju opponents, led by Balakoteswara Rao, met the Union Minister and explained to him that Somu Veeraju should be sacked from the post otherwise all seniors would quit the BJP. The BJP dissident group had a 20-minute meeting with Muralidharan and explained to him the unilateral decisions being taken by Veerraju and the necessity of ousting him from the post.
“Somu Veerraju is acting like a faction leader. He was involved in the grabbing of the lands of Dalits. He is ignoring the seniors and giving importance to his own men,” the dissident leaders complained to Muralidharn.
The district presidents, who were sacked by Somu Veerraju recently informed Muralidharan that they had spent their own money to strengthen the BJP but Veerraju removed them from the posts in a humiliating manner which sent wrong signals to the people. The reputation of BJP is getting vitiated by the unilateral acts of Somu Veerraju, they told Muralidharn.
“If Somu Veerraju continues as State president, some more senior leaders will quit the party,” they told the minister and later submitted a memorandum explaining the situation. They also informed him about the quitting of senior leader Kanna Lakshminarayana because of Somu Veerraju’s insulting acts. The BJP leaders told the media Muralidharn assured them of ordering an inquiry on the grabbing of Dalit’s land by Veerraju and others.