Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bringing a plethora of soothing foods with everlasting flavor to your plate

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Responsible for creating a healthy relationship with food Sarita Bazaz, the first woman entrepreneur in the catering industry, founded The Food Affairs, an organization that has been spreading love through food for the past 30 years. Interesting! She exceptionally believes that rethinking and reformulating hospitality’s hours and culture is the key to making the industry more attractive to employees.

Truly. So what else? It’s a celebration of all food, with a special focus on dishes influenced by immigrants and travelers that have long been a part of our culture. “I founded my organisation in 1993 with the express intention of promoting love. This business that it is today began with organizing small occasions that expanded significantly as its clientele grew to become more of a family. Being raised in a Marwadi family that values cuisine in terms of its ingredients and hospitality, I believe in sharing the simple joys of taste with others and encouraging them to appreciate the diversity of food and good flavor,” she said.

It was definitely not easy to get into an industry that was highly male-dominated. There were always varied opinions, discomforting expressions, and limited opportunities when it came to a woman single-handedly managing everything. This phase was greatly aided by her husband, who was always attentive and willing to offer assistance when needed giving me the confidence she needed to forge on. She continued, “I have been a part of the catering industry for three decades now. In my opinion, traveling is the most pleasing aspect of this kind of job. Encountering new people, learning new cooking techniques, exploring new ingredients, and getting driven to innovate recipes while visiting different locations is such a valuable experience. I strongly believe that the best learning in the food sector happens in places as big as cities and as small as neighborhoods.”

Every sector of the catering industry is distinct and offers its own set of learning opportunities. There are thus various crucial components, none of which can be described as uninteresting! She said, “I define success based on witnessing people’s happy faces as they enjoy and savor their meals. Based on my years of experience in the field, we regard food as a component that can enhance any celebration and live at the heart of an event.”

All that is required is a play with the ingredients, the proportion of the dish, and the temperature at which these delicacies are consumed. Knowing more about the skill of cooking and substituting the right ingredients does have a massive effect, if not on the end result aesthetically! So, she ensures that all the hospitality servers and cooks in the kitchen adhere to strict safety norms. She also gives people wholesome cuisine with an emphasis on ingredients by giving it a modern twist. Either the twist is the addition of a new ingredient, the method utilised to prepare a conventional one, or the combination of new ingredients with distinctive auxiliary flavors! Yes, she specializes in themed menu choices. However, the concept of each menu created is seldom the same as the idea of the party or event. Most of the time, it is also decided after understanding the client’s sentimental value towards the event and learning about people directly associated with the occasion and its relevance, their perspectives, and the event’s broader purpose. That is how the cuisine is designed and curated.

Once upon a time, she organised an event on the outskirts of the capital. However, she was provided with an incorrect number of guests on the projected guest list. It so happened that three times the projected number of people attended the event, which was quite a challenge. It reached a point where the amount of food in the mouth to chew was all that could be handed out to satisfy everyone. She made it through the show but learned a valuable lesson about the importance of accuracy in catering. It was also critical to research the event’s host in order to predict the necessary future preparations for the event!

“A slew of parameters and incidents come to mind when hearing about a new beginning. However, after thirty years in the culinary industry and making it this far, I believe that being content with where I am standing today is what I am most grateful for. I have always thought of launching a product for Food Affairs. Something that exists and does not pass away as the show is over! Catering has always been viewed by us as a theater, with no retakes and just one performance. Regardless of the trials, the act is the conclusion. I might definitely consider making a documentary film about the events and recording and replaying them to be more cautious and mindful next time. My initial aim would be to archive our story in order to generate a better performance the next time,” concluded the caterer.

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