AP Cabinet meeting headed by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy gave its nod to various important bills to be introduced in the Assembly Budget Sessions that began on Tuesday. The Cabinet approved the AP State Commission for Scheduled Castes Act 2019 Amendment Bill to reduce the tenure of the AP State Scheduled Castes Chairman and members by two years from three years. It also gave its nod to enhance the period for another two years after the completion of the tenure.
Similarly, the State Cabinet also cleared the AP State Commission for Backward Classes Amendment Act 2019 to reduce the tenure of the Chairman and members to two years from three years. It also gave its nod to enhance the period for another two years after the completion of the tenure.
We are going to Visakha in July and that is final. We have to win all seven MLC seats in the MLAs’ quota. No second thoughts on that. Any deviation will lead to a change in the Cabinet. Some will be dropped from the Cabinet if performance does not improve.
The AP State Minorities Commission Amendment Act 2019 also got the nod from the Cabinet to reduce the tenure of the Chairman and members by two years from three years.
It also gave its nod to enhance the period for another two years after the completion of the tenure.
The Cabinet also approved Amendments to the Wakf Rules as per the guidelines prescribed by the Centre.
The Cabinet gave a nod to amend the AP Women’s Commission Act – 1988 to reduce the term of the women commission chairman and members to two years from five years.
Draft Bill related to the AP Commission for Scheduled Tribal Act Amendment – 2019 and also the Draft Bill of AP Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan Amendment Act – 2013 also cleared by the Cabinet.