Prominent film star and megastar Chiranjeevi met Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu at his residence in Hyderabad. In a generous gesture to support the flood victims in Andhra Pradesh, Chiranjeevi donated Rs 50 lakh on his own behalf, along with another Rs 50 lakh on behalf of hero Ram Charan, bringing the total contribution to Rs 1 crore for the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
Chiranjeevi, who is known for his commitment to social service, received heartfelt gratitude from the Chief Minister for his contributions towards flood relief efforts. CM Chandrababu Naidu warmly welcomed Chiranjeevi and accepted the cheque during their meeting. After the meeting, the Chief Minister personally escorted Chiranjeevi to his car, bidding him farewell.
CM Naidu remarked that this act of kindness exemplifies the film industry’s dedication to social responsibility and its support for those in need during times of crisis.