Jackky Bhagnani recently hosted a party for the international singer and love nwantiti singer CKay at his residence in Mumbai. It was an intimate bash with many star names attending and the Nigerian singer seems to have a great time at the bash as he took to his own social media to thank the actor producer for hosting him.
Taking to his social media, CKay shared a sweet group picture with the people at the party and wrote –
“Great night with great people.
Thanks for your hospitality
Jackky replied to the same on his own social media as he wrote –
“It was an honour to have you brother❤ let’s create some iconic music together”
We are super intrigued to know if Jackky is set to collab with the international rapper under his music label Jjust Music or if they are working on a song together for a film of Pooja Entertainment. It would be great international meets Bollywood collaboration and we are hoping hard for it.
Jackky is all set to release two of the biggest films of the year under Pooja Entertainment with Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Ganapath – Part 1.