Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu unveiled the Swarnandhra-2047 vision document on Friday, stating that it aims to usher in a new era for Andhra Pradesh, with the goal of elevating the Telugu society to global prominence. Speaking at a large public gathering at the Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium in Vijayawada, the Chief Minister highlighted the ambitious objectives outlined in the document, which include eradicating poverty, boosting employment, and promoting sustainable development.
Chandrababu Naidu emphasised that the vision document reflects his government’s proactive approach, having been conceptualised within six months of assuming office. He expressed gratitude to those supporting this initiative, terming it a historic moment.
Drawing parallels with the Central Government’s Vikasitha Bharat-2047 initiative, the Chief Minister said the Swarnandhra vision aligns with India’s centenary goals of becoming a global leader. The document outlines 10 growth objectives, including water conservation, agricultural modernisation, development of skilled human resources, and comprehensive cleanliness through the Swachandhra mission.
Accompanied by Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, Chandrababu interacted with women and students, discussing empowerment strategies before jointly launching the vision document with public representatives and officials.
The Chief Minister also set an ambitious target of increasing the state’s per capita income from less than $3,000 to $42,000 by 2047. Recalling his contributions to Hyderabad’s development, he cited his role in transforming the Hi-Tech City area, which he envisioned as “one Singapore, one Dubai, and one New York.”