Saturday, July 27, 2024

Defections from BRS: KCR is paid back in his coin, says Niranjan

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Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) Senior Vice-President and Election Commission Coordination Committee Chairman G. Niranjan said that the former Chief Minister K Chandra shekar Rao is responsible for the current political developments in the State.
He said that after coming to power KCR had encouraged defections and corrupted politics without any ethical values, now people would not sympathise with him irrespective of his hue and cry. People think that this is the appropriate punishment for KCR.
By claiming that he had brought the statehood for Telangana, KCR grabbed the power and resorted to taking several unilateral decisions and throwing the State into disarray. KCR was a myth and considered that his position was permanent. KCR’s misdeeds are coming out one by one. KCR must be punished, Niranjan said.  Niranjan said that on Friday’s BRS meetings, BRS working president KT Rama Rao, and former minister T Harish Rao were making false claims that KCR brought statehood for Telangana. People would not believe it anymore. Now the People of Telangana consider KCR and his family as traitors of Telangana, he said.
In the past KCR encouraged the leaders of other parties to betray their parties and to join BRS, now they have no right to criticise those who have left the party as traitors, Niranjan said.

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