District Collector Muzammil Khan on Monday emphasised that every student studying in government schools should be trained to speak English fluently.
The District Collector, along with Additional Collector P Sreeja, and trainee Collector Mrinal Shrestha, participated in the VK Learn Workshop held at Konijerla Mandal Parishad High School.
Speaking on the occasion, the Collector mentioned that the programme was initially launched in 16 schools in the district and later expanded to another 18 schools. He also said that 61 high school teachers were trained through a one-day workshop.
The Collector stressed that teachers should focus on teaching students spoken English in a way that would align with their daily life conversations. He further mentioned that spoken English would help in boosting students’ confidence.
During his school visits, the Collector observed that although some students have knowledge of English, they are hesitant or shy to speak. He emphasised the need to address the issue. He advised the teachers to encourage students even those sitting at the back of the classroom, in the learning process and added that the programme has been designed accordingly.
The Collector advised teachers to ensure that students speak English in classes, encourage conversations in different contexts and make efforts to have more conversations with the children. He emphasised the importance of preparing students to communicate in English about everyday events.
The Collector pointed out that knowing English would make it much easier for students to communicate with others in the competitive world. District Education Officer Somasekhar Sharma, AAMO Ravi Kumar, Mandal Education Officer Abraham, School Headmaster Shanta Kumari, VK Learn Workshop Chief Mentors Asr and Pavitra Dikshit, Program District Coordinator J. Jagadish, and other officials.
Encourage students to speak in English fluently: Collector