On the auspicious occasion of Ram Charan’s birthday, the highly-anticipated first look of Mega Power was unveiled under the banner of Satya Arts, with the blessings of renowned producer Allu Aravind.The movie, which marks production no.1 for Gedela Ravichandra, features Sri Kalayan and Shashi in lead roles, with Adabala Nagababu, Sai Nirmala, Illa Abhishek and Satyamurthy as producers.
To celebrate Ram Charan’s special day, directors MeherRamesh and KS Ravindra (Bobby) released the first look, despite their busy schedules. “We are thrilled to unveil the first look of our film on this momentous occasion,” the filmmakers shared.
“Our movie is an action-packed entertainer with a heartfelt mother sentiment that is sure to leave audiences captivated. We are deeply grateful for the support of the Mega Family Heroes and the unwavering dedication of our team, who have been working tirelessly on the project since the auspicious Ugadi day. We hope that our fans will enjoy the first look and join us on this exciting journey.”