BJP MP K. Laxman said that past Indian rulers had blacked out the history of many patriotic warriors and that the public do not know their history.
An angry Laxman said that in Telangana only the story of the Nehru family and the Kalvakuntla family are being treated as history. He said that if the BJP comes to power, the party will not only put up statues of India’s hidden warriors, but will also remember their sacrifices.
Declaring that justice will be done to their families, Laxman said that the BJP will give proper recognition to all those who contributed to society.
Telangana BJP leaders organised a meeting on Friday in New Delhi under the leadership of Tulla Virender Goud to honour the memory famous freedom fighter and patriot Battini Mogiliah Goud. Union Minister of State for Tourism Shripad Naik, BJP MP Laxman, Telangana BJP leaders Tulla Virender Goud, Ale Bhaskar and others attended the programme.
Lakshman congratulated the ‘Rajakar’ film team which is making a film on the rule of Rajakars.