Former MP and veteran Kapu leader Ch Harirama Jogaiah, who remained silent after the TDP-JanaSena-BJP alliance won the elections with a massive mandate, has resurfaced with letters to Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan, offering unsolicited advice. Jogaiah congratulated Pawan Kalyan on the electoral victory alongside TDP and expressed hope that both Pawan Kalyan and Chandrababu Naidu would steer the State towards progress by balancing welfare and development.
However, Jogaiah offered a piece of advice to the Jana Sena chief. He emphasised that the new government’s schemes should fulfil the needs of the people rather than serve the political interests of the two parties. He also warned against concentrating all development in one region under the guise of the capital city and urged Pawan Kalyan to implement a 5 per cent reservation for Kapus, as desired by the community.
Additionally, Jogaiah demanded that the Krishna district be renamed after Kapu leader Vangaveeti Mohana Ranga. He also advised Pawan Kalyan not to give up his acting career, suggesting he dedicate half of his time to state administration and the remaining days to films.
Before the assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, Jogaiah frequently wrote letters to Pawan Kalyan on various issues, which reportedly irritated the latter. Jogaiah accused Pawan Kalyan of betraying the faith of the Kapu community by accepting just 21 assembly seats from the Telugu Desam Party in the seat-sharing alliance, at a time when he was projected as a prospective chief ministerial candidate.
Though Pawan Kalyan largely ignored Jogaiah’s letters, he expressed his irritation a few times during his election campaigns. Without naming Jogaiah, the Jana Sena Party chief mentioned that there was no need for seniors to advise him, as they had never stood by him in troubled times.