The High Court gave conditional permission to the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak (RSS) to organise a rally on March 5 in Bhainsa town. The RSS is planning to organise a rally on March 5 named ‘Nagara Shareerakotsavam.’
The HC directed the RSS to organise the rally without disturbing law and order. The High Court also made it clear that the RSS has to organise the rally with only 500 persons.
The High Court also directed the RSS to hold the rally 300 meters away from the mosque and also made it clear that the RSS has to ensure that persons participating in the rally should not have a criminal background.
The High Court also directed the police to provide special security at the mosque when the rally is being conducted.
The High Court also made it clear that speakers, who participate in the rally should not make any controversial statements.
The RSS approached the High Court seeking permission for the rally when the police refused to give permission to the rally that was planned on Chatrapati Shivaji’s birth anniversary on February 19.