Telangana Special Chief Secretary Arvind Kumar on Monday said the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) would clean lakes including the Banda, RK Puram Cheruvu in Malkajgiri and Chennarayuni and Kotha Cheruvu in Alwal.
Arvind Kumar visited the sites along with Kukatpally Zonal Commissioner, Malkajgiri MLA M
Hanumant Rao and officials from the HMDA and Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
The locals around the Miryalguda Lake, also known as the Banda Cheruvu, reportedly
complained that foul smell from the lake has been increasing. The contaminated water became a breeding ground for mosquitoes, particularly in the evenings, causing inconvenience to the people visiting temples and markets around the lake.
It is to be noted that Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development KT Rama Rao has mooted a lake protection project under which private companies have adopted 50 lakes and are working to restore them.