Girls have outshone boys in the Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (BIEAP)’s first and second year examinations-2023, the results of which were announced here on Wednesday. Minister for Education Botsa Satyanarayana announced the results.
The minister said that compared to the previous year’s Intermediate results, the students have fared well and secured better pass percentages. In total, as many as 8,13,033 candidates appeared for the first and second-year exams, of which 4,33,275 students appeared for the first-year exams. As many as 2,66,326 of them passed registering a pass percentage of 61. For the second year exams 3,79,758 candidates appeared of which 2,72,001 candidates passed (71 percent pass). The pass percentage of girls in the first year is 65 and in the second year, 75. The boys managed with 58 percent and 68 percent in first and second years, respectively.
The minister stated that in the second year results, Krishna district stood first with the highest pass percentage of 83 percent while Vizianagaram recorded the lowest (57 percent). Krishna girls secured 85 percent pass and boys bagged 82 percent pass. Vizianagaram girls recorded 62 percent pass and boys recorded 52 percent.
Krishna topped in both the first and second-year examinations with 77 and 83 pass percentages, respectively. While Kadapa recorded the lowest pass percentage (46 percent) in the first year, Vizianagaram recorded the lowest in the second year (57 percent). The second and third positions were acquired by Guntur and West Godavari districts.
The minister further said that the Intermediate second-year exams were held from March 16 to April 4, and first-year exams took place between March 15 and April 3. The candidates who are not satisfied with their results can request for rechecking or re-evaluation of their answer sheets. The application process will remain open between April 27 and May 6. The supplementary examinations will be held from May 24 to June 6 in two sessions, morning and afternoon, for the first and second-year students, respectively. The separate schedule for both years will be announced soon.
The Board officials also announced that bilingual textbooks would be distributed to the students and the soft copies (PDFs) would be made available on the website for the convenience of the students.