Jackky Bhagnani is one of the leading producers of the Indian Entertainment industry and recently he graced the cover of a leading magazine which rightly tagged him “The Dark Horse of the Emerging New Order in the Industry.” We’ve seen him as a talented actor before in films like Faaltu & Youngistaan and even as a producer he has set benchmarks in the industry, and we are super excited for everything he is bring next. Bhagnani is all set to come up with 3 of the most massive films of 2023, such as Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Ganapath and Capsule Gill as a producer under the banner of his– Pooja Entertainment. Jackky Bhagnani is on the path to fulfill his vision of catering to the masses as a whole and is constantly on a hunt for captivating content that can be served to the large audiences.
When asked about why he wanted to make the shift from acting to production and in retrospect, how did he feel about the decision in a recent interview with a leading magazine, Jackky said correcting, “I think ‘shift’ is not the right word, it’s adding another feather to the cap. That does not mean I have taken a sabbatical from acting. But I just felt that as a filmmaker, I can offer so much more. And I can be a part of the entire process of storytelling not just as an actor but also as a filmmaker and tell many many more stories, empower many more people, and give many more people opportunities which just felt like a more overall enriching experience.” “It definitely helps a great deal. It empowers me with sensitivity towards creativity and though it is business and I have to wear the business hat, at the same time we are selling a form of art, so I think the marriage of creativity meeting commerce really helps,” adds Jackky Bhagnani on being asked about how his experience as an actor helped him as a producer.
When asked about how hands-on he is as a producer, Jackky answered, “I would like to believe that I am pretty hands-on or I’m learning a new aspect every day and that’s the beauty of filmmaking. Every day you come, you learn a new aspect, either from the creative side, the production side, or the marketing or sales team. Or even from the on-ground production, the challenges that the production team goes through, or the creative team goes through to bring that piece of script live on celluloid and create that magic.”
Jackky Bhagnani has Bade Miyaan Chote Miyaan, Ganapath and Capsule Gill lined up among others for release as the producer of Pooja Entertainment.