TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu, on Tuesday felt that Chief Minister, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, who got a resolution passed for dissolution of the Legislative Council, has no right to seek votes in the ongoing elections to the Upper House.
Addressing a meeting online called against the backdrop of the ongoing polls to the Graduates Constituency in the Upper House, Chandrababu Naidu asked whether Jagan Mohan Reddy did not get the resolution passed unilaterally in the Assembly as his word did not prevail at that time. ”Did Jagan not say that the funds being spent on the Legislative Council are a mere waste?” Chandrababu Naidu said.
Jagan who once degraded the Upper House has no right to seek votes now, the TDP supremo felt. Chandrababu Naidu called upon the party leaders who attended the meeting online to take the election seriously and work hard to get the party candidate to win the polls.
”The election will be a test to the party in-charges and will prove their efficiency,” Chandrababu Naidu told the party leaders. Maintaining that the State Government is creating all sorts of problems for the tours of the TDP leaders in the State, he felt that the latest incident at Gannavaram reflects the factionist mentality of Jagan. Since the anti-incumbency is growing in an alarming way, the Chief Minister is resorting to such steps, he said adding that even the police officials are toeing the line of the Chief Minister.