Telugu film actor Jagapathi Babu has found himself embroiled in a new controversy, with his recent interview comments causing a stir, particularly among the Kamma caste. During the interview, he recounted an incident from 15 years ago, where he was warned not to speak against caste by the principal of Siddhartha College in Vijayawada, as there were around 2,000 caste extremists among the student body.
The video clip of this portion of the interview has gone viral on social media, with many from the Kamma community expressing outrage at Jagapathi Babu’s comments. Some have accused him of unfairly maligning the community, while others have argued that while it’s good that he doesn’t consider caste important, he should be more mindful of his words and actions.
There is a perception among some that the community has been unfairly targeted and vilified, causing deep sadness and frustration. Overall, Jagapathi Babu’s comments have been seen by some as a mistake that has caused unnecessary offense and may not be reflective of the present situation.