Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao made it clear that the government will regularise house sites owned by the poor as per rules and give them the right to construct houses in municipalities which fall under Hyderabad and Secunderabad city limits.
KCR announced that the deadline for the regularisation of notary lands as per GO 58 and 59 has been extended by one more month.
The Chief Minister appealed to the people on Monday to use the opportunity given by the government. People must meet their MLAs and discuss notary, house site regularisation etc with them, he said.
The CM said the government will compile all problems and solve them. People will be given pattas with legal rights. The CM said that the government’s main objective is to address the housing problems of the poor at one go. A special drive will be organised for this.
The CM said that notary problems regarding agricultural lands will also be resolved and that a conference of Collectors will be held soon on this issue.
The MLAs of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad met Chief Minister at the Secretariat on Monday and pleaded with him to address the issue of house sites for the poor.
Considering their request, the CM responded positively to problems regarding notary, GO 58 and 59 and decided to extend the deadline by another month.