The Kerala government has decided to screen all of its Anganwadi employees for anaemia as part of its ‘Vilarchayil Ninnu Valarchayilekku’ (from anaemia to growth) or ‘ViVa’ campaign to deal with the disease. State Health Minister Veena George said the campaign would commence in the Women and Child Development (WCD) Department.
Hence, the Anganwadi employees, who come under the WCD department, will be screened for anaemia and treatment will be provided to those who need it, the minister said in a release.There are 66,630 Anganwadi workers and helpers and 4,500 other employees in the state and they all will undergo the test to check their hemoglobin levels, it said.
George also said that people from other categories or departments would also be made a part of the campaign in a phased manner.