Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development K Pawan Kalyan has directed the officials to find out the kingpins of red sanders smuggling and arrest them apart from taking stringent steps to contain the illegal activities.
The forest officials submitted a report to the Deputy Chief Minister on Friday on the seizure of 158 red sanders logs worth Rs 1.60 crore three days ago in Jagananna colony at Potladurthi village in YSR Kadapa district and informed him that four smugglers were arrested in this connection.
Dy. Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan directed the officials to bolster the vigil on red sander smugglers. “The kingpins, who are operating the red sander smuggling, should be identified and arrested. A large number of red sander trees have been felled in the Seshachalam forest. Trace where the red sander logs were dumped. The red sander network should be exposed and crippled,” the Panchayat Raj Minister told the forest officials.
A strict vigil should be laid on those who were freed on bail and their activities, he said to the officials. He directed the forest and police officials to work in a coordinated manner to contain the red sander smuggling in the state.
Pawan Kalyan inquired with the officials how many red sander smugglers had been punished in the court and how many cases had been registered regarding red sander smuggling so far. He also directed them to take steps to bring back the red sander logs which were concealed in Nepal.