Young actor Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya Gorak tied the knot in a ceremony held in Coorg on Thursday evening, which was attended by their close family and friends. Both Kiran and Rahasya shared screen space in their first film Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru and then fell in love with that film. They have been dating since the film; however, the couple never accepted their relationship until their engagement, which was held on March 14.
On the film front, after her debut film Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru, Rahasya stopped acting in films.
The debut film is a small film but a big hit for the couple. Later Kiran Abbavaram acted in films like SR Kalyana Mandapam, Sammathame, Nenu Meeku Bagaa Kavalsinavadini, Meter, Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha. His upcoming film Ka is slated for a release.