The Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad celebrated International Leopard Day on Wednesday. The event was aimed at increasing awareness about the species and was part of the park’s Ex-situ Wildlife education programme. Education programmes like Animal Talk shows and a short documentary film on Leopards were conducted at the Leopard enclosure to create awareness about the importance of the species. A drawing competition was also held for visiting children. around 120 children participatED in the event.
Speaking on the occasion, Prashant Bajirao Patil, Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, stressed the unique role that each species plays in maintaining and balancing the environment. He also mentioned that Nehru Zoological Park is always in the forefront of educating visitors and increasing awareness through educational programmes on every Eco Day.
After participating in the competition, many children and their parents expressed satisfaction over the educational programmes conducted by the park. They also appreciated the interactive and informative nature of the programmes.
Authorities said that the celebration of International Leopard Day is an important event to increase awareness about the importance of preserving the species and their role in maintaining the ecological balance.