Renowned rapper, film, theatre and OTT star Chaitnya Sharma was recently seen in Zee Theatre’s new teleplay, ‘Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti’. This multi-talented actor particularly enjoyed playing Lakshman Das Tripathi aka Lucky, and one of the reasons why he loved being a part of this rip-roaring entertainer was that it celebrates love and marriage in true, cinematic style. He says, “Even though this is a comedy, it does not trivialise love and the concept of marriage. There is this stereotypical notion about marriage that jails people for life. I think, only if you take the institution seriously, should you consider it and then learn to enjoy it for what it’s worth and speak about it with responsibility and respect. I think it’s a beautiful institution, for those who believe in long-term commitment.”
‘Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti’ is a very unusual adaptation of Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and contextualises its premise in the India of the 90s. Chaitnya says the teleplay is an absolute laugh riot and adds, “I play Lakshman Das Tripathi who has a swag that recalls the over-the-top 90s. He’s just a great guy with loud clothes who is on a trip of his own, hoping to marry his dream girl and plotting to find a way to resolve a complicated situation. It was such fun to revisit the flamboyance of 90s cinema, fashion, and music.”
Talking about the director Akarsh Khurana, he adds, “I can go on for days about him. All I can say is that when Akarsh Khurana offers you a role, you don’t ask any questions. He just tells you the dates, and you simply show up. We call him “Daata” because he’s literally the god that came into all of our lives and just gave us so many great opportunities. His sets overflow with laughter, the most incredible food and care. Working with him always feels like coming home.”
Further talking about the teleplay format, he says, “I think OTT and DTH platforms are changing the way content is consumed. I think every new genre brings with it new opportunities. When TV reached our homes, it revolutionised entertainment and now digital platforms are the game changers and are democratising content and making it accessible to a wider audience. I am happy that Zee Theatre is providing opportunities to new talents in the digital space.”
Written by Adhir Bhatt ‘Yeh Shaadi Nahi Ho Sakti’ stars Prajakta Koli, Shikha Talsania, Adhaar Khurana, Akash Khurana, Gopal Dutt, Lisha Bajaj and Sarthak Kakar. It can be watched on Airtel Theatre, Dish TV Rangmanch active & D2h Rangmanch active on 26th February at 8 pm.