Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mental Health V/S Mental Ailment: Understanding the difference

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Rahul, a class 4 student, was a bright and lively child and was the teacher’s star in class, till class 3. At home too, he was the bundle of joy for the family. His paintings, his activities, and his games made everything going on in the family’s life seem like a pleasant journey of life.

As soon as the child moved to grade 4, things started turning around and everyone appeared annoyed with this little charmer. He became aggressive, reluctant, inattentive in class, and all the colors of his paintings suddenly turned into shades of brown, grey, black, and the likes.

Was Rahul really inattentive? Did he become careless or spoiled due to the love and affection he was showered with? Or did he fall into a wrong company? Well for a child in that age group all these are viable questions that strike the mind in the first instance. But in Rahul’s case, none of these provided a reasonable justification. Poor child kept struggling within, not knowing what to do.

Then came in Sophia, the academic counsellor who was a qualified psychologist too. She noticed this child who had now been slogging for over a year with the burden of being labeled as a ‘careless’ and ‘inattentive child’, and who had now become ‘disobedient’ too! The results astonished everyone involved in the matter.

What turned out was that Rahul’s best friend in his neighborhood had moved abroad with his family to settle there. This was something that nobody realized could be a feasible cause of Rahul’s stress. Later, with apt therapeutic exercises and interventions, no medications were required; the child revised and bounced back to become the apple of the eye he used to be. The colors of his paintings returned and now in grade 7, the child is among the ‘top performers’ once again!

“Therapy is not a sign of weakness; it’s an investment in your own well-being and growth.” In a society where mental health is gaining recognition and importance, seeking psychological therapy has become a topic of discussion. However, misconceptions and stigma still persist, leading to the erroneous belief that therapy is solely for those who are “mad” or mentally ill. In this article, we will explore the truth behind this misconception, highlighting the benefits of psychological therapy and empowering individuals to embrace the journey of mental well-being.

In this entire episode of this child Rahul, what do we learn about mental health and well-being? Let’s say that the biggest dilemma faced by people till date is the misunderstood and largely misconstrued concept of mental health. We keep confusing between mental well-being and insanity or in medical terms, mental instability. The moment this recommendation is raised to seek medical support, the general reaction leads us to believe that it is indicating towards mental instability accounting to mental ailment. But mental health is something that can start from a grain of salt to a mountain of following symptoms if left unaddressed.

To understand this in greater clarity, mental-instability accounts for a severer bent on the spectrum of mental-health, whereas the other is just the initiation or the minor tip of the spectrum. Both are poles apart. But equally placed for attention to addressal. So, it does not mean that one is mad or insane if advised for psychological therapy. Seeking psychological therapy does not mean that you are “mad” or mentally ill. Therapy is a valuable resource that can benefit anyone who is experiencing emotional or psychological challenges, regardless of their mental health status. Many individuals seek therapy to address various concerns, such as managing stress, improving relationships, coping with life transitions, enhancing personal growth, or addressing specific mental health conditions.

Therapy provides a safe and confidential space where individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences with the guidance of a trained professional. It can help individuals gain insights, develop coping strategies, and make positive changes in their lives. Just like seeking medical help when you have a physical ailment, seeking therapy is a proactive step towards taking care of your mental and emotional well-being.

It’s important to recognize that seeking therapy is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It shows that you are actively seeking support and working towards your personal growth and well-being. Many people, including high-functioning individuals, professionals, and even celebrities, engage in therapy as a way to enhance their overall quality of life and improve their mental health.

If someone has advised you to consider psychological therapy, it may be because they care about your well-being or recognize that therapy could provide you with the support you need. Ultimately, the decision to pursue therapy is a personal one, and it can be beneficial to have an open mindset and consider the potential benefits it may offer.

Remember, seeking therapy does not define your mental health status or suggest that there is something inherently wrong with you. It is a proactive step towards taking care of yourself and seeking support for the challenges you may be facing. Let’s subscribe to this space for more information to understand mental health and well-being for our benefit and be able to help others around us! Let’s strive to build a ‘Healthy Me’ right from the top! In subsequent articles of this blog, we will take you through multiple facets of understanding this concept well, appreciating and identifying the areas too when and where these need to be applied, how to deal with a situation when identified, how an appreciation of mental well-being can help evade multiple other medical constraints and hail for a healthy body and much more. Embark with us on this journey to understanding ourselves better and improving our lives!

(The author Meenal Luther Nhür is the Founder Director of Mettle Rings.)

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