TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu has said that the Union Budget 2023-24 presented by the BJP government will achieve the goal of inclusive development. Chandrababu Naidu said it was a great thing that India’s economy, which had been ranked 10th in the world in 2014, was now ranked 5th. He said that allocation of investment expenditure of Rs 13.7 lakh crore in the budget was a positive move.
Chandrababu welcomed thinking towards the design of schemes and programmes for the next 25 years i.e. 2047. He expressed hope that India will become a world leader through Vision-2047. He said that the goals can be achieved through macro level planning and micro level implementation in all sectors. He welcomed the allocation of Rs 20 lakh crore for agriculture loans, Rs 79,000 crore for house construction and Rs 6,000 crore for aqua sector under the PM Awas Yojana.
The State BJP hailed the Budget that gave priority to each village in the country, which was a first after Independence. The Budget presented by Nirmala Sitharaman adopted seven priorities, which complemented each other and “acted as the Saptarishi guiding us through the Amrit Kaal”. The budget is meant to benefit the rural and poor people. The Central government has designed it in such a way that all areas, communities and sectors benefit and the fruits of development are achieved.
Prof Sankaran of AIIMS-Mangalagiri said it was a welcome move from the Central government to allocate funds to AIIMS for the development and infra works.
Dr Swapna Vunnam, economist, Associate NCC officer, Andhra Naval Unit, Maris stella College, Vijayawada, said: “The budget is very impressive and innovative. There is no doubt that it is a people-friendly budget. Allocations for AP in the education and the medical sector are also impressive.”