Nani is currently busy shooting for his new movie, tentatively titled Nani 30, under the direction of Shouryuv, a debutant. Sita Ramam fame Mrunal Thakur is the heroine in the emotional drama. On the other hand, Nani is quite happy with the output of Dasara and is confident about the film’s success.
The latest buzz is that Nani decided to team up with Vivek Athreya one more time. The duo delivered the rom-com Ante Sundaraniki last year and it ended up a failure at the box office. But, according to the latest gossip Nani, who believed in the talent of Vivek Athreya, gave him another chance.
If the rumours are to be believed, the production house which bankrolled the magnum opus RRR is going to produce this new film. An official announcement is still awaited from the makers. Nani will work on this project after the release of his first pan-Indian film Dasara.