Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar has sent a letter to the SIT in response to its notices issued to him asking him to appear before it on March 24.
In his letter, Sanjay said that he did not receive any notice from the SIT’s office. He said that he is busy attending the Parliament session and that he came to know about SIT’s notices only through the media.
“I also gather from media reports that I have been asked to furnish information authenticating certain statements I reportedly made in the context of the TSPSC leak. I would like to inform you that right from the day when the news of the paper scam broke out I had maintained that we don’t have confidence in the SIT’s investigation as it is directly under the Government of Telangana.
It is my firm belief that given the magnitude of the scam it would not have happened without the complicity of those who are close to the powers that be. Therefore, it is my view that the very constitution of the SIT is fallacious. I also said that the investigation must be carried out under the supervision of a sitting High Court Judge. Since I don’t have confidence in the SIT, the question of sharing information I have with the SIT doesn’t arise. I retain my right to disclose information only to investigation agencies I trust.”
However, Sanjay said that he will appear before the SIT if it gives another date.