Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pawan vows total revamp of Panchayat Raj system

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Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, K. Pawan Kalyan, has assured that revolutionary changes will be implemented to strengthen the Panchayat Raj system.
During a meeting held on Tuesday with Panchayat Raj and Rural Development officers, employees, and Union leaders, Pawan Kalyan emphasized his commitment to transforming Panchayat Raj into a robust institution.
“This endeavour requires collective effort. I strongly believe that with everyone’s cooperation, we can make Panchayat Raj a strong and efficient institution,” he stated.
Pawan Kalyan expressed concern over the deterioration of several government institutions during the YSRCP regime, noting that revitalizing them would be a significant challenge. He urged all stakeholders to work diligently towards this objective.
During the meeting, department employees presented memorandums to Pawan Kalyan regarding their dues, arrears, and promotions, seeking resolution. Pawan Kalyan attentively listened to their grievances and assured them that efforts would be made to address these issues promptly.
“We will publish a ‘White Paper’ detailing how the YSRCP regime undermined government institutions,” he announced. He reiterated his dedication to ensuring the efficient functioning of the Panchayat Raj Ministry.
However, he cautioned that these changes would not happen overnight. He contrasted the previous government’s approach of intimidating employees with the current alliance government’s understanding and supportive stance.
Acknowledging the substantial losses suffered by Andhra Pradesh after bifurcation and the ongoing financial crisis, Pawan Kalyan called for coordinated efforts between rulers and employees to navigate the situation.
He highlighted the importance of securing matching grants from the Centre to improve the state’s financial position. He pointed out that Andhra Pradesh is yet to receive Rs. 1600 crore from the 15th Finance Commission and expressed regret that the state had not received matching grants under the Jal Jeevan Mission programme.

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