Directed by Sheraz Mehdi, Pourusham – The Manhood is an upcoming film produced by Ashok Khullar and Devendra Negi under UVT Hollywood Studios (USA) and Shriya Productions. The movie boasts a talented ensemble cast and is currently shooting, with the soundtrack nearing release. Simultaneously, the promotional activities for the film are in full swing. The theatrical trailer was unveiled, drawing attention at its launch event in Los Angeles. The event saw esteemed guests such as Dr. Olympia A. Gellini, Hollywood actress and singer Lumba Pam, Amber Martinez, Sage, and Lenny Vitulli, co-producer at Hollywood Lux Angels Studios.
The film stars a notable cast including Suman Talwar, Meka Rama Krishna, Sheraz Mehdi, Ashok Khullar, Jyoti Reddy, Shailaja Tiwari, Ananth, Kanika, Jabardasth Kevvu Karthik, Jabardasth Heena, Jabardasth Kattappa, Bala Gangadhar, Vizag Sharif, Lakshmi, and Ravi Varma. Sheraz Mehdi handles the story, screenplay, and music, with DV Prabhu serving as the editor. The trailer of Pourusham – The Manhood tackles themes of challenging traditional norms and the dynamics within joint families. Promising a blend of action and emotional family drama, the trailer resonates particularly well with today’s audience, sparking heightened anticipation for the film.