Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand and Rachakonda Police Commissioner DS Chauhan asked the public to take prior permission for conducting rallies in connection with the biennial elections to the Council from teachers and local authority constituencies.
Prior permission from the District Election Officer (DEO) or the Returning Officer (RO) is necessary to organise any meeting or rally in Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
Candidates must apply for written permission for public meetings, processions or padayatras or road shows, star campaign, and rallies to the DEO of Hyderabad or the RO.
The organisers of rallies must cooperate with the police to ensure strict compliance with the instructions of the State Election Commission for regulating such events and the use of loud speakers during the election campaign.
This order shall be in force till the election and the counting process are over. Rachakonda Police Commissioner DS Chauhan said that holding public meetings and rallies within Rachakonda Police Commissionerate limits without prior permission is prohibited. The carrying of weapons like swords, spears, knives, sticks with or without flags, bludgeons, guns, explosives and other weapons is strictly prohibited. The gathering of people on public roads or any other public place disturbing peace is also prohibited.
The collection and carrying of stones or any other kind of missiles is also banned. Playing music or transmitting speeches through loudspeakers without prior permission is prohibited. Prior permission is required for using all kinds of public address systems.