Over the years, Indians have made their mark at the Oscars, whether it’s through nominations, wins, or even presenting at the ceremony. For the first time ever, four Asian actors received Oscar nominations in a single year. To celebrate, Priyanka Chopra hosted the South Asian Excellence at the Oscars, a celebration that turned into an electrifying evening.
The Citadel star doesn’t shy away from embracing her Indian culture in all its glory. Summing up the glorious night, the desi girl created an Instagram reel using the latest trending Indie song, Aja Sawariya by Rashmeet Kaur, Gurbax, Rusha & Blizza.
Brimming with joy, Rashmeet Kaur shares, _“It is a joyous moment to see the global star, super inspiring, Priyanka Chopra use Aja Sawariya in her reel, summing up the Oscars 2023. I am super stoked to see her juxtapose the audio against an event that celebrates and honours the South Asian community on their achievements at the Oscars. I wouldn’t have had any other way to promote this track which is a unique blend of classical Indian vocals with new wave that explores new elements around a classic trap sound”.
She chuckles and adds, “Now we only hustling to be on the other side and win an Oscar in the coming years.”